I will be silly here and you cannot stop me.


  • 21.07.2024 00:39

    Blugh its so warm. Like 26 degrees in my room and my feet are sticking to the floor. Eating some watermelon lets hope it helps a little!! Today was p good tho. Had a long nap after grocery shopping with mom. Still no email from my preffered uni tho so i will have to think about which one i wanna go to in case they deny me cuz im not waiting half a year longer to move hout nuh uh

  • 20.07.2024 09:09 AM

    Hopital /ref /j

  • 20.07.2024 08:35 AM

    Working on this silly silly webbed site after pulling an all nighter kinda ahaha... I couldnt sleep okay... And Im good!! Slept til 4 pm yesterday and I had like half a liter of milk coffee an hour ago.

    I really hope the uni of my choice responds to me soon, i do have two other approvals but they really weren't my first choice but i need to tell them my choice in two days so waa i hope the one i really wanna go to has responded by then!!

    Mom wants to go grocery shopping today and i gotta help her but that's okay, i love grocery shopping (esspecially when theres red bull on sale, yummmy). And i hope my hair is greasn't enough to go out without having to shower. Southeast europe has been hit with a big heatwave of like 40°C in the past days but here in germany its been a fresh 25-ish degrees so i havent been sweating or anything.